
Plugin have few predefined variables (constants). You can not redefine these constants.

Information about Total Commander

AUTORUN_OSARCHThe OS architecture where TC is running. This can be either 32 or 64. Equal to %SYSINFO_OSARCH%.
AUTORUN_TCHANDLETotal Commander window handle (for using in scripts).

:!: Do not use this constant in the finalize section, as its value will point to a window that no longer exists.
AUTORUN_TCPIDTotal Commander process ID (for using in scripts).
AUTORUN_ISADMIN1 if TC executed under admin, else 0.
AUTORUN_TCARCH32 or 64 — TotalCommander architecture, where plugin loaded.
AUTORUN_TCCMDLINECommandline of TotalCommander.

Special symbols

auCRLFReturns a line break in Windows format: 0xD + 0xA
auCRReturns the line break character: 0xD
auLFReturns a carriage return character: 0xA
auTABReturns the tab character: 0x9

Additional constants with system information are available in the plugin SysInfo.