
IniWrite [/EV-] <ini> <section> <key> [<text>]

Writing value into given configuration file. If writing failed, command set ERROR macro to 1.


iniName of the ini-file. May contain variables and environment variables.
sectionSection name in the ini-file.
keyKey name in the ini-file.
textText that will be written in the given key. If omitted, empty value will be written.


/EV-Disables the use of variables and environment variables in the text.
/RThe command will take into account the presence of the RedirectSection key in the given section.


IniDelete, IniRead


Writes the value 1000 to the Total Commander configuration for the «test» key of the «Configuration» section:

IniWrite %COMMANDER_INI% "Configuration" "test" "1000"