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ShellExec [/EV-] [/SW_HIDE|/SW_SHOWNORMAL|/SW_MINIMIZE|/SW_MAXIMIZE] [/T] [/W[:####]] [/WAIT[:####]] <file> [<params> [<workdir>]]

Executes the file. It can be executable, or arbitrary — in this case it will be opened in associated application.

If no params are set, but you need to set working directory, use empty string (two consecutive quotes).


fileName of the file. May contain variables and environment variables.
paramsParameters string. May contain variables and environment variables.
workdirName of the working directory. May contain variables and environment variables.


/EV-Disables the use of variables and environment variables in the text.
/SW_HIDEExecuting as hidden.
/SW_SHOWNORMALExecuting normally. Using when no explicit SW_* parameter set.
/SW_MINIMIZEExecuting minimized.
/SW_MAXIMIZEExecuting maximized.
/TTerminate program when plugin unloading (also look AutorunBlockUnload directive.)
/TTTerminate whole program tree when plugin unloading.
/W[:####]Trying to close process window before program terminating. Default closing timeout 1000 ms. Parameter can have optional value that sets timeout, ex: /W:5000. This parameter can be used only with /T or /TT paramaters.
/WAIT[:####]Waiting for process finish. By default waiting is infinite. After parameter can be optional value that sets timeout, ex: /WAIT:5000. When using this parameter /T or /TT paramaters are ignored.
en/autorun/documentation2x/shellexec.txt · Последнее изменение: 2019/07/17 13:19 —

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