Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта



In the Autorun actions are performed by command. Every command in the Autorun placed on one line. The command may include the required parameters, optional parameters and switches. The order is regulated as follows: command, switches, required parameters, optional parameters.

All switches must begin with «/» and be in front of any parameters. Switches are designed to change the behavior of command. All switches — optional.

In this help the mandatory parameters are enclosed in angle brackets: <parameter>. If the parameter is optional, it is additionally enclosed in square brackets: [<parameter>]. Since all the switches are optional, they are also enclosed in square brackets: [/A].

If the command returns a value, the variable in which result will be written is always placed first in the list of parameters (but after the options).

A line starting with # are treated as comments and ignored. If # is followed by the { character, this is treated as the beginning of a multi-line comment, if } this is treared as the end of a multi-line comment. Inside a block of multiline comments there can be both regular comments and nested blocks of multiline comments.



# regular comment


Blank lines are ignored.

All parameters and switches separated by a space. If the parameter should contain a space, the parameter must be enclosed in quotes — double or single. In this case quotes of other type can be used in the parameter text. For example:

"param with spaces"
'param with spaces'
"param with spaces and 'quotes'"
'param with spaces and "quotes"'

If you need to use quotation marks of both types in the text, the quotation marks of the type with which the parameter begins must be doubled in the text.


"this ""text"" and this 'text' with quotes" 
'this "text" and this ''text'' with quotes'
en/documentation/basic.txt · Последнее изменение: 2020/05/31 09:49 — loopback

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