Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта



CountCount of objects available in this stream created by MediaInfo when analyzing file. This is mostly for internal use
StatusStatus of bit field when parsing. Options are: 0=IsAccepted, 1=IsFilled, 2=IsUpdated, 3=IsFinished. This is mostly for internal use
StreamCountTotal number of streams available for this StreamKind. Counting starts at 1
StreamKindName of stream type. Options are: General, Video, Audio, Text, Image, Menu, or Other
StreamKind/StringName of stream type. Options are: General, Video, Audio, Text, Image, Menu, or Other
StreamKindIDIdentification number for stream, assigned in order of parsing. Counting starts at 0
StreamKindPosIdentification number for stream when multiple, assigned in order of parsing. Counting starts at 1
StreamOrderStream order in the file for type of stream. Counting starts at 0
FirstPacketOrderOrder of the first fully decodable packet parsed in the file for stream type. Counting starts at 0
InformLast **Inform** call. This is mostly for internal use
IDThe identification number for this stream in this file
ID/StringThe identification number for this stream in this file (String format)
OriginalSourceMedium_IDIdentification for this stream in the original medium of the material
OriginalSourceMedium_ID/StringIdentification for this stream in the original medium of the material (String format)
UniqueIDThe unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
UniqueID/StringThe unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
MenuIDThe menu ID for this stream in this file
MenuID/StringThe menu ID for this stream in this file
FormatFormat used
Format/StringFormat used and any additional features or settings
Format/InfoMore details about the identified Format
Format/UrlLink to a description of this format
Format_CommercialCommercial name used by vendor for these settings or Format field if there is no difference
Format_Commercial_IfAnyCommercial name used by vendor for these settings, if available
Format_VersionVersion for the identified format
Format_ProfileProfile of the Format
Format_LevelLevel of the Format
Format_CompressionCompression method used
Format_SettingsSettings used and required by decoder
Format_Settings_SBRWhether Spectral band replication settings used in encoding. Options are Yes (NBC)/No (Explicit). Note: NBC stands for "Not Backwards Compatable"
Format_Settings_SBR/StringWhether Spectral band replication settings used in encoding. Options are Yes (NBC)/No (Explicit). Note: NBC stands for "Not Backwards Compatable"
Format_Settings_PSWhether Parametric Stereo settings used in encoding. Options are Yes (NBC)/No (Explicit). Note: NBC stands for "Not Backwards Compatable"
Format_Settings_PS/StringWhether Parametric Stereo settings used in encoding. Options are Yes (NBC)/No (Explicit). Note: NBC stands for "Not Backwards Compatable"
Format_Settings_ModeProfile for format settings used in encoding (e.g. Joint Stereo)
Format_Settings_ModeExtensionExtended format settings profile for Joint Stereo, derived from header data (e.g. Intensity Stereo + MS Stereo)
Format_Settings_EmphasisEmphasis format settings for MPEG audio, derived from header data (e.g. 50/15ms)
Format_Settings_FloorSettings for Vorbis spectral "floor" (a low-resolution representation of the audio spectrum for the given channel in the current frame) vector (e.g. Floor0)
Format_Settings_FirmAgency or company responsible for format settings used in encoding (e.g. Microsoft)
Format_Settings_EndiannessOrder of bytes required for decoding. Options are Big/Little
Format_Settings_SignHow numbers are stored in stream's encoding. Options are Signed/Unsigned
Format_Settings_LawU-law or A-law
Format_Settings_ITUITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector compression standard used in encoding (e.g. G.726)
Format_Settings_WrappingWrapping mode set for format (e.g. Frame, Clip)
Format_AdditionalFeaturesFeatures from the format that are required to fully support the file content
Matrix_FormatMatrix format used in encoding (e.g. DTS Neural Audio)
InternetMediaTypeInternet Media Type (aka MIME Type, Content-Type)
MuxingModeHow this file is muxed in the container (e.g. Muxed in Video #1)
MuxingMode_MoreInfoMore information about MuxingMode
CodecIDCodec identifier as indicated by the container
CodecID/StringCodec identifier, as indicated by the container
CodecID/InfoMore information about this codec identifier
CodecID/HintCommon alternative names for this codec identifier
CodecID/UrlA link to more details about this codec identifier
CodecID_DescriptionCodec description indicated by the container
CodecDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/StringDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/FamilyDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/InfoDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/UrlDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/CCDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_DescriptionDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_ProfileDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_SettingsDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_Settings_AutomaticDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_Settings_FloorDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_Settings_FirmDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_Settings_EndiannessDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_Settings_SignDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_Settings_LawDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_Settings_ITUDeprecated, do not use in new projects
DurationPlay time of the stream, in s (ms for text output)
Duration/StringPlay time in format XXx YYy, with YYy value omitted if zero (e.g. 1 h 40 min)
Duration/String1Play time in format HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, with any fields omitted if zero
Duration/String2Play time in format XXx YYy, with YYy omitted if value is zero
Duration/String3Play time in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (e.g. 01:40:00.000)
Duration/String4Play time in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Duration/String5Play time in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Duration_FirstFrameDuration of the first frame (if different than other frames), in ms
Duration_FirstFrame/StringDuration of the first frame (if different than other frames), in format XXx YYy, with YYy value omitted if zero
Duration_FirstFrame/String1Duration of the first frame (if different than other frames), in format HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, with any fields omitted if zero
Duration_FirstFrame/String2Duration of the first frame (if different than other frames), in format XXx YYy, with YYy omitted if value is zero
Duration_FirstFrame/String3Duration of the first frame (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS.mmm
Duration_FirstFrame/String4Duration of the first frame (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Duration_FirstFrame/String5Duration of the first frame (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Duration_LastFrameDuration of the last frame (if different than other frames), in ms
Duration_LastFrame/StringDuration of the last frame (if different than other frames), in format XXx YYy, with YYy value omitted if zero
Duration_LastFrame/String1Duration of the last frame (if different than other frames), in format HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, with any fields omitted if zero
Duration_LastFrame/String2Duration of the last frame (if different than other frames), in format XXx YYy, with YYy omitted if value is zero
Duration_LastFrame/String3Duration of the last frame (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS.mmm
Duration_LastFrame/String4Duration of the last frame (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Duration_LastFrame/String5Duration of the last frame (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Source_DurationDuration of content stored in the file, in ms
Source_Duration/StringDuration of content stored in the file, in format XXx YYy, with YYy value omitted if zero
Source_Duration/String1Duration of content stored in the file, in format HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, with any fields omitted if zero
Source_Duration/String2Duration of content stored in the file, in format XXx YYy, with YYy omitted if value is zero
Source_Duration/String3Duration of content stored in the file, in format HH:MM:SS.mmm
Source_Duration/String4Duration of content stored in the file, in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Source_Duration/String5Duration of content stored in the file, in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Source_Duration_FirstFrameDuration of the first frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in ms
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/StringDuration of the first frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format XXx YYy, with YYy value omitted if zero
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/String1Duration of the first frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, with any fields omitted if zero
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/String2Duration of the first frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format XXx YYy, with YYy omitted if value is zero
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/String3Duration of the first frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS.mmm
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/String4Duration of the first frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/String5Duration of the first frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Source_Duration_LastFrameDuration of the last frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in ms
Source_Duration_LastFrame/StringDuration of the last frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format XXx YYy, with YYy value omitted if zero
Source_Duration_LastFrame/String1Duration of the last frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, with any fields omitted if zero
Source_Duration_LastFrame/String2Duration of the last frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format XXx YYy, with YYy omitted if value is zero
Source_Duration_LastFrame/String3Duration of the last frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS.mmm
Source_Duration_LastFrame/String4Duration of the last frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Source_Duration_LastFrame/String5Duration of the last frame of content stored in the file (if different than other frames), in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
BitRate_ModeBit rate mode of this stream (CBR, VBR)
BitRate_Mode/StringBit rate mode of this stream, as word (Variable, Constant)
BitRateBit rate of this stream, in bps
BitRate/StringBit rate of this stream, with measurement (e.g. 128 kb/s)
BitRate_MinimumMinimum bit rate of this stream, in bps
BitRate_Minimum/StringMinimum bit rate of this stream, with measurement
BitRate_NominalNominal bit rate of this stream, in bps
BitRate_Nominal/StringNominal bit rate of this stream, with measurement
BitRate_MaximumMaximum bit rate of this stream, in bps
BitRate_Maximum/StringMaximum bit rate of this stream, with measurement
BitRate_EncodedEncoded bit rate (with forced padding), if container padding is present, in bps
BitRate_Encoded/StringEncoded bit rate (with forced padding), if container padding is present, in bps
Channel(s)Number of channels (e.g. 2)
Channel(s)/StringNumber of channels (with measurement)
Channel(s)_OriginalNumber of channels (e.g. 6)
Channel(s)_Original/StringNumber of channels, with measurement (e.g. 6 channels)
Matrix_Channel(s)Number of channels after matrix decoding
Matrix_Channel(s)/StringNumber of channels after matrix decoding, with measurement
ChannelPositionsPosition of channels (e.g. Front: L C R, Side: L R, Back: L R, LFE)
ChannelPositions_OriginalPosition of channels (e.g. Front: L C R, Side: L R, Back: L R, LFE)
ChannelPositions/String2Position of channels in x/y.z format (e.g. 3/2/0.1)
ChannelPositions_Original/String2Position of channels in x/y.z format (e.g. 3/2/0.1)
Matrix_ChannelPositionsPosition of channels after matrix decoding
Matrix_ChannelPositions/String2Position of channels after matrix decoding in x/y.z format
ChannelLayoutLayout of channels (e.g. L R C LFE Ls Rs Lb Rb)
ChannelLayout_OriginalLayout of channels (e.g. L R C LFE Ls Rs Lb Rb)
ChannelLayoutIDID of layout of channels (e.g. MXF descriptor channel assignment). Warning, sometimes this is not enough for uniquely identifying a layout (e.g. MXF descriptor channel assignment is SMPTE 377-4). For AC-3, the form is x,y with x=acmod and y=lfeon
SamplesPerFrameSamples per frame (e.g. 1536)
SamplingRateSampling rate, in Hertz (e.g. 48000)
SamplingRate/StringSampling rate, in Hertz, with measurement (e.g. 48.0 KHz)
SamplingCountSample count (based on sampling rate)
Source_SamplingCountSource Sample count (based on sampling rate), with information derived from header metadata
FrameRateFrames per second, as float (e.g. 29.970)
FrameRate/StringFrames per second, with measurement (e.g. 29.970 (29970/1000) FPS)
FrameRate_NumNumerator for determined frames per second (e.g. 29970)
FrameRate_DenDenominator for determined frames per second (e.g. 1000)
FrameCountFrame count
Source_FrameCountSource frame count
ResolutionDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Resolution/StringDeprecated, do not use in new projects
BitDepthNumber of bits in each sample (resolution) of stream (e.g. 16). This field will show the significant bits if the stored bit depth is different
BitDepth/StringNumber of bits in each sample (resolution) of stream (e.g. 16). This field will show the significant bits if the stored bit depth is different
BitDepth_DetectedNumber of bits in each sample (resolution), as detected during scan of the input by the muxer, in bits (e.g. 24)
BitDepth_Detected/StringNumber of bits in each sample (resolution), as detected during scan of the input by the muxer, in bits (e.g. 24)
BitDepth_StoredStored number of bits in each sample (resolution), in bits (e.g. 24)
BitDepth_Stored/StringStored number of bits in each sample (resolution), in bits (e.g. 24)
Compression_ModeCompression mode (Lossy, Lossless)
Compression_Mode/StringCompression mode (Lossy, Lossless)
Compression_RatioStream size divided by uncompressed stream size
DelayDelay fixed in the stream (relative), in ms
Delay/StringDelay fixed in the stream (relative), with measurement
Delay/String1Delay fixed in the stream (relative), with measurement
Delay/String2Delay fixed in the stream (relative), with measurement
Delay/String3Delay fixed in the stream (relative) in format HH:MM:SS.mmm, with measurement
Delay/String4Delay in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Delay/String5Delay in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Delay_SettingsDelay settings, (e.g. in case of timecode)
Delay_DropFrameDelay drop frame information
Delay_SourceSource location of the Delay (e.g. Container, Stream, empty)
Delay_Source/StringSource location of the Delay (e.g. Container, Stream, empty)
Delay_OriginalDelay, in ms
Delay_Original/StringDelay, with measurement
Delay_Original/String1Delay, with measurement
Delay_Original/String2Delay, with measurement
Delay_Original/String3Delay, in format HH:MM:SS.mmm
Delay_Original/String4Delay, in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Delay_Original/String5Delay, in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Delay_Original_SettingsDelay settings (e.g. in case of timecode)
Delay_Original_DropFrameDelay drop frame information
Delay_Original_SourceDelay source (e.g. Container, Stream, empty)
Video_DelayDelay fixed in the stream relative to video, in ms (e.g. -80)
Video_Delay/StringDelay fixed in the stream relative to video, in ms, with measurement (e.g. -80 ms)
Video_Delay/String1Delay fixed in the stream relative to video, in ms, with measurement (e.g. -80 ms)
Video_Delay/String2Delay fixed in the stream relative to video, in ms, with measurement (e.g. -80 ms)
Video_Delay/String3Delay fixed in the stream relative to video, in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (e.g. -00:00:00.080)
Video_Delay/String4Delay in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with the last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Video_Delay/String5Delay fixed in the stream relative to video, in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Video0_DelayDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/StringDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/String1Deprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/String2Deprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/String3Deprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/String4Deprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/String5Deprecated, do not use in new projects
TimeCode_FirstFrameTime code for first frame in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
TimeCode_LastFrameTime code for last frame (excluding the duration of the last frame) in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
TimeCode_DropFrameTime code drop frame
TimeCode_SettingsAdditional time code settings
TimeCode_SourceTime code source (Container, Stream, SystemScheme1, SDTI, ANC, etc.)
ReplayGain_GainThe gain to apply to reach 89dB SPL on playback
ReplayGain_Gain/StringThe gain to apply to reach 89dB SPL on playback
ReplayGain_PeakThe maximum absolute peak value of the item
StreamSizeSize of this stream, in bytes
StreamSize/StringSize of this stream, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
StreamSize/String1Size of this stream, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the nearest integer (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize/String2Size of this stream, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the two most significant digits (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize/String3Size of this stream, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the three most significant digits (e.g. 10.5 MiB)
StreamSize/String4Size of this stream, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the four most significant digits (e.g. 10.50 MiB)
StreamSize/String5Size of this stream, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
StreamSize_ProportionSize of this stream divided by total file size
StreamSize_DemuxedSize of this stream after demuxing, in bytes
StreamSize_Demuxed/StringSize of this stream after demuxing, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
StreamSize_Demuxed/String1Size of this stream after demuxing, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the nearest integer (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String2Size of this stream after demuxing, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the two most significant digits (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String3Size of this stream after demuxing, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the three most significant digits (e.g. 10.5 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String4Size of this stream after demuxing, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the four most significant digits (e.g. 10.50 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String5Size of this stream after demuxing, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
Source_StreamSizeSize of content stored in the file, in bytes
Source_StreamSize/StringSize of content stored in the file, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
Source_StreamSize/String1Size of content stored in the file, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the nearest integer (e.g. 11 MiB)
Source_StreamSize/String2Size of content stored in the file, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the two most significant digits (e.g. 11 MiB)
Source_StreamSize/String3Size of content stored in the file, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the three most significant digits (e.g. 10.5 MiB)
Source_StreamSize/String4Size of content stored in the file, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the four most significant digits (e.g. 10.50 MiB)
Source_StreamSize/String5Size of content stored in the file, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
Source_StreamSize_ProportionSize of this stream divided by total file size
StreamSize_EncodedSize of this stream when encoded, in bytes
StreamSize_Encoded/StringSize of this stream when encoded, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
StreamSize_Encoded/String1Size of this stream when encoded, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the nearest integer (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize_Encoded/String2Size of this stream when encoded, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the two most significant digits (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize_Encoded/String3Size of this stream when encoded, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the three most significant digits (e.g. 10.5 MiB)
StreamSize_Encoded/String4Size of this stream when encoded, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the four most significant digits (e.g. 10.50 MiB)
StreamSize_Encoded/String5Size of this stream when encoded, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
StreamSize_Encoded_ProportionEncoded Stream size divided by file size
Source_StreamSize_EncodedSize of content stored in the file when encoded, in bytes
Source_StreamSize_Encoded/StringSize of content stored in the file when encoded, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
Source_StreamSize_Encoded/String1Size of content stored in the file when encoded, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the nearest integer (e.g. 11 MiB)
Source_StreamSize_Encoded/String2Size of content stored in the file when encoded, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the two most significant digits (e.g. 11 MiB)
Source_StreamSize_Encoded/String3Size of content stored in the file when encoded, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the three most significant digits (e.g. 10.5 MiB)
Source_StreamSize_Encoded/String4Size of content stored in the file when encoded, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the four most significant digits (e.g. 10.50 MiB)
Source_StreamSize_Encoded/String5Size of content stored in the file when encoded, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
Source_StreamSize_Encoded_ProportionSource Encoded Stream size divided by file size
AlignmentHow this stream is aligned in the container (e.g. Aligned, Split)
Alignment/StringHow this stream is aligned in the container (e.g. Aligned, Split)
Interleave_VideoFramesFor interleaved video, between how many video frames this stream is inserted (e.g. 0.51 video frame)
Interleave_DurationFor interleaved video, between how much time, in ms, this stream is inserted (e.g. 21 ms)
Interleave_Duration/StringFor interleaved video, between how many video frames this stream is inserted, as duration with measurement and amount of frame (s) in parenthesis (e.g. 21 ms (0.51 video frame))
Interleave_PreloadHow much time is buffered before the first video frame, in ms (e.g. 500)
Interleave_Preload/StringHow much time is buffered before the first video frame, in ms with measurement (e.g. 500 ms)
TitleTitle of track
Encoded_ApplicationName of the software package used to create the file (e.g. Microsoft WaveEdiTY)
Encoded_Application/StringName of the software package used to create the file, in the format "CompanyName ProductName (OperatingSystem) Version (Date)"
Encoded_Application_CompanyNameName of the company of the encoding application
Encoded_Application_NameName of the encoding product
Encoded_Application_VersionVersion of the encoding product
Encoded_Application_UrlURL associated with the encoding software
Encoded_LibrarySoftware used to create the file
Encoded_Library/StringSoftware used to create the file, in the format "CompanyName ProductName (OperatingSystem) Version (Date)"
Encoded_Library_CompanyNameName of the encoding software company
Encoded_Library_NameName of the encoding software
Encoded_Library_VersionVersion of the encoding software
Encoded_Library_DateRelease date of the encoding software, in UTC
Encoded_Library_SettingsParameters used by the encoding software
Encoded_OperatingSystemOperating System of the encoding software
LanguageLanguage, formatted as 2-letter ISO 639-1 if exists, else 3-letter ISO 639-2, and with optional ISO 3166-1 country separated by a dash if available (e.g. en, en-US, en-CN)
Language/StringLanguage, as full name (e.g. English)
Language/String1Language, as full name (e.g. English)
Language/String2Language, formatted as 2-letter ISO 639-1, if exists (e.g. en)
Language/String3Language, formatted as 3-letter ISO 639-2, if exists (e.g. eng)
Language/String4Language, formatted as 2-letter ISO 639-1, if exists, with optional ISO 3166-1 country separated by a dash if available (e.g. en-US)
Language_MoreMore information about Language (e.g. Director's Comment)
ServiceKindType of assisted service (e.g. visually impaired, commentary, voice over)
ServiceKind/StringType of assisted service (e.g. visually impaired, commentary, voice over)
DisabledSet if this stream should not be used (Yes, No)
Disabled/StringSet if this stream should not be used (Yes, No)
DefaultFlag set if this stream should be used if no language found matches the user preference (Yes, No)
Default/StringFlag set if this stream should be used if no language found matches the user preference (Yes, No)
ForcedFlag set if this stream should be used regardless of user preferences, often used for sparse subtitle dialogue in an otherwise unsubtitled movie (Yes, No)
Forced/StringFlag set if this stream should be used regardless of user preferences, often used for sparse subtitle dialogue in an otherwise unsubtitled movie (Yes, No)
AlternateGroupNumber of a group in order to provide versions of the same track
AlternateGroup/StringNumber of a group in order to provide versions of the same track
Encoded_DateTime that the encoding of this item was completed, in UTC
Tagged_DateTime that the tags were added to this item, in UTC
EncryptionWhether this stream is encrypted and, if available, how it is encrypted
en/tcmediainfo/tables/audio.txt · Последнее изменение: 2024/07/17 18:19 —

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