Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта



CountCount of objects available in this stream created by MediaInfo when analyzing file. This is mostly for internal use
StatusStatus of bit field when parsing. Options are: 0=IsAccepted, 1=IsFilled, 2=IsUpdated, 3=IsFinished. This is mostly for internal use
StreamCountTotal number of streams available for this StreamKind. Counting starts at 1
StreamKindName of stream type. Options are: Audio, General, Image, Menu, Other, Text, or Video
StreamKind/StringName of stream type. Options are: Audio, General, Image, Menu, Other, Text, or Video
StreamKindIDIdentification number for stream, assigned in order of parsing. Counting starts at 0
StreamKindPosIdentification number for stream when multiple, assigned in order of parsing. Counting starts at 1
StreamOrderStream order in the file for type of stream. Counting starts at 0
FirstPacketOrderOrder of the first fully decodable packet parsed in the file for stream type. Counting starts at 0
InformLast **Inform** call. This is mostly for internal use
IDThe identification number for this stream in this file
ID/StringThe identification number for this stream in this file (String format)
OriginalSourceMedium_IDIdentification for this stream in the original medium of the material, taken from Tag metadata
OriginalSourceMedium_ID/StringIdentification for this stream in the original medium of the material, taken from Tag metadata (String format)
UniqueIDThe unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
UniqueID/StringThe unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
MenuIDThe menu ID for this stream in this file
MenuID/StringThe menu ID for this stream in this file
GeneralCountTotal number of General streams in this file
VideoCountTotal number of Video streams in this file
AudioCountTotal number of Audio streams in this file
TextCountTotal number of Text streams in this file
OtherCountTotal number of Other streams in this file
ImageCountTotal number of Image streams in this file
MenuCountTotal number of Menu streams in this file
Video_Format_ListVideo codecs found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/")
Video_Format_WithHint_ListVideo codecs found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/") and including common alternative codec names
Video_Codec_ListDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Video_Language_ListList of video stream languages in this file separated by forward slash ("/")
Audio_Format_ListAudio codecs found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/")
Audio_Format_WithHint_ListAudio codecs found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/") and including common alternative codec names
Audio_Codec_ListDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Audio_Language_ListList of audio stream languages in this file separated by forward slash ("/")
Audio_Channels_TotalTotal count of channels in all audio streams
Text_Format_ListText codecs found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/")
Text_Format_WithHint_ListText codecs found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/") and including common alternative codec names
Text_Codec_ListDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Text_Language_ListList of text stream languages in this file separated by forward slash ("/")
Other_Format_ListOther data formats found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/")
Other_Format_WithHint_ListOther data formats found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/") and including common alternative codec names
Other_Codec_ListDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Other_Language_ListList of other stream languages (typically Chapters) in this file separated by forward slash ("/")
Image_Format_ListImage codecs found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/")
Image_Format_WithHint_ListImage codecs found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/") and including common alternative codec names
Image_Codec_ListDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Image_Language_ListList of image stream languages in this file separated by forward slash ("/")
Menu_Format_ListMenu formats found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/")
Menu_Format_WithHint_ListMenu formats found in this file, separated by forward slash ("/") and including common alternative codec names
Menu_Codec_ListDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Menu_Language_ListList of menu stream languages in this file separated by forward slash ("/")
CompleteNameFull path for this file (Folder+Name+Extension)
FolderNameFolder name for this file
FileNameExtensionFile name and extension
FileNameFile name only
FileExtensionFile extension only
CompleteName_LastComplete name (Folder+Name+Extension) of the last file (in the case of a sequence of files)
FolderName_LastFolder name only of the last file (in the case of a sequence of files)
FileNameExtension_LastFile name and extension of the last file (in the case of a sequence of files)
FileName_LastFile name only of the last file (in the case of a sequence of files)
FileExtension_LastFile extension only of the last file (in the case of a sequence of files)
FormatFormat used
Format/StringFormat used + additional features
Format/InfoMore details about the identified Format
Format/UrlLink to a description of this format
Format/ExtensionsKnown extensions for the identified format
Format_CommercialCommercial name used by vendor for these settings or Format field if there is no difference
Format_Commercial_IfAnyCommercial name used by vendor for these settings if there is one
Format_VersionVersion for the identified format
Format_ProfileProfile of the Format
Format_LevelLevel of the Format
Format_CompressionCompression method used
Format_SettingsSettings used and required by decoder
Format_AdditionalFeaturesFeatures required to fully support the file content
InternetMediaTypeInternet Media Type (aka MIME Type, Content-Type)
CodecIDCodec ID, if defined by the container
CodecID/StringCodec ID, if defined by the container (String format)
CodecID/InfoMore information about this codec
CodecID/HintCommon alternative names for this codec
CodecID/UrlA link to more details about this codec
CodecID_DescriptionCodec description, as defined by the container
CodecID_VersionVersion of the CodecID
CodecID_CompatibleList of codecs that are compatible with the identified container
InterleavedIf Audio and video are muxed
CodecDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/StringDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/InfoDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/UrlDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/ExtensionsDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_SettingsDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec_Settings_AutomaticDeprecated, do not use in new projects
FileSizeFile size, in bytes
FileSize/StringFile size with measurement (measured in powers of 1024)
FileSize/String1File size with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the nearest integer
FileSize/String2File size with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the two most significant digits
FileSize/String3File size with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the three most significant digits
FileSize/String4File size with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the four most significant digits
DurationPlay time of the content, in s (ms for text output)
Duration/StringPlay time in format XXx YYy, with YYy value omitted if zero (e.g. 1 h 40 min)
Duration/String1Play time in format HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, with any fields omitted if zero
Duration/String2Play time in format XXx YYy, with YYy omitted if value is zero
Duration/String3Play time in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (e.g. 01:40:00.000)
Duration/String4Play time in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Duration/String5Play time in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Duration_StartStart time of stream, in UTC
Duration_EndEnd time of stream, in UTC
OverallBitRate_ModeBit rate mode of all streams (CBR, VBR)
OverallBitRate_Mode/StringBit rate mode of all streams, as word (Variable, Constant)
OverallBitRateBit rate of all streams, in bps
OverallBitRate/StringBit rate of all streams, with measurement (e.g. 14.2 kb/s)
OverallBitRate_MinimumMinimum total bit rate of all streams, in bps
OverallBitRate_Minimum/StringMinimum bit rate of all streams, with measurement
OverallBitRate_NominalNominal bit rate of all streams, in bps
OverallBitRate_Nominal/StringNominal bit rate of all streams, with measurement
OverallBitRate_MaximumMaximum bit rate of all streams, in bps
OverallBitRate_Maximum/StringMaximum bit rate of all streams, with measurement
FrameRateFrames per second
FrameRate/StringFrames per second, with measurement
FrameRate_NumFrames per second, numerator
FrameRate_DenFrames per second, denominator
FrameCountFrame count, if a stream has the same frame rate everywhere
DelayDelay fixed in the stream (relative), is s (ms for text output)
Delay/StringDelay with measurement and rounded to integer (e.g. 213 ms)
Delay/String1Delay with measurement and rounded to integer (e.g. 213 ms)
Delay/String2Delay with measurement and rounded to integer (e.g. 213 ms)
Delay/String3Delay in format HH:MM:SS.mmm
Delay/String4Delay in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with the last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Delay/String5Delay in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Delay_SettingsDelay settings (in case of timecode, for example)
Delay_DropFrameDelay drop frame
Delay_SourceDelay source (Container, Stream, or empty)
Delay_Source/StringDelay source (Container, Stream, or empty)
StreamSizeSize of this stream, in bytes
StreamSize/StringSize of this stream, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
StreamSize/String1Size of this stream, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the nearest integer (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize/String2Size of this stream, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the two most significant digits (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize/String3Size of this stream, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the three most significant digits (e.g. 10.5 MiB)
StreamSize/String4Size of this stream, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the four most significant digits (e.g. 10.50 MiB)
StreamSize/String5Size of this stream, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
StreamSize_ProportionSize of this stream divided by total file size
StreamSize_DemuxedSize of this stream after demuxing, in bytes
StreamSize_Demuxed/StringSize of this stream after demuxing, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
StreamSize_Demuxed/String1Size of this stream after demuxing, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the nearest integer (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String2Size of this stream after demuxing, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the two most significant digits (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String3Size of this stream after demuxing, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the three most significant digits (e.g. 10.5 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String4Size of this stream after demuxing, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the four most significant digits (e.g. 10.50 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String5Size of this stream after demuxing, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
HeaderSizeHeader field size, in bytes
DataSizeData field size, in bytes
FooterSizeFooter field size, in bytes
IsStreamableSet if this file is streamable or not (Yes, No)
Album_ReplayGain_GainThe gain to apply to reach 89dB SPL on playback
Album_ReplayGain_Gain/StringThe gain to apply to reach 89dB SPL on playback
Album_ReplayGain_PeakThe maximum absolute peak value of the item
Encryption_FormatEncryption format
Encryption_LengthEncryption length (128, 192 or 256 bits)
Encryption_MethodEncryption method
Encryption_ModeEncryption mode
Encryption_PaddingEncryption padding
Encryption_InitializationVectorEncryption initialization vector
UniversalAdID/StringUniversal Ad-ID, see https://ad-id.org for more information
UniversalAdID_RegistryUniversal Ad-ID registry
UniversalAdID_ValueUniversal Ad-ID value
TitleTitle of file
Title_MoreMore title information
DomainUniverse that the file's contents belong to (e.g. Star Wars, Stargate, Buffy, Dragonball)
CollectionName of the series (e.g. Star Wars movies, Stargate SG-1, Angel)
SeasonName of the season (e.g. first Star Wars Trilogy, Season 1)
Season_PositionNumber of the Season
Season_Position_TotalTotal number of seasons
MovieName of the movie (e.g. Star Wars: A New Hope)
Movie_MoreMore information about the Movie
Movie/CountryCountry where the movie was produced
Movie/UrlHomepage for the movie
AlbumName of the album (e.g. The Joshua Tree)
Album_MoreMore information about the Album
Album/SortAlternate name of the album, optimized for sorting purposes (e.g. Joshua Tree, The)
Album/PerformerAlbum performer/artist of this file
Album/Performer/SortAlternate name for the performer, optimized for sorting purposes (e.g. Beatles, The)
Album/Performer/UrlHomepage of the album performer/artist
ComicName of the comic book series
Comic_MoreMore information about the comic book series
Comic/Position_TotalTotal number of comics
PartName of the part (e.g. CD1, CD2)
Part/PositionNumber of the part
Part/Position_TotalTotal number of parts
ReelName of the reel
Reel/PositionNumber of the reel
Reel/Position_TotalTotal number of reel
TrackName of the track (e.g. track 1, track 2)
Track_MoreMore information about the Track
Track/UrlLink to a site about this Track
Track/SortAlternate name for the track, optimized for sorting purposes
Track/PositionNumber of this Track
Track/Position_TotalTotal number of tracks
PackageNameMXF package name
GroupingiTunes grouping
ChapterName of the Chapter
SubTrackName of the Subtrack
Original/AlbumOriginal name of the Album
Original/MovieOriginal name of the Movie
Original/PartOriginal name of the Part
Original/TrackOriginal name of the Track
CompilationiTunes compilation
Compilation/StringiTunes compilation
PerformerMain performer(s)/artist(s)
Performer/SortAlternate name for the performer, optimized for sorting purposes (e.g. Beatles, The)
Performer/UrlHomepage of the performer/artist
Original/PerformerOriginal artist(s)/performer(s)
ComposerName of the original composer
Composer/NationalityNationality of the primary composer of the piece
Composer/SortNationality of the primary composer of the piece (e.g. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
ArrangerThe person who arranged the piece (e.g. Ravel)
LyricistThe person who wrote the lyrics for the piece
Original/LyricistOriginal lyricist(s)/text writer(s)
ConductorThe artist(s) who performed the work. In classical music this would be the conductor, orchestra, soloists, etc
DirectorName of the director
CoDirectorName of the codirector
AssistantDirectorName of the assistant director
DirectorOfPhotographyName of the director of photography, also known as cinematographer
SoundEngineerName of the sound engineer or sound recordist
ArtDirectorName of the person who oversees the artists and craftspeople who build the sets
ProductionDesignerName of the person responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a movie
ChoreographerName of the choreographer
CostumeDesignerName of the costume designer
ActorReal name of an actor/actress playing a role in the movie
Actor_CharacterName of the character an actor or actress plays in this movie
WrittenByAuthor of the story or script
ScreenplayByAuthor of the screenplay or scenario (used for movies and TV shows)
EditedByEditors name
CommissionedByName of the person or organization that commissioned the subject of the file
ProducerName of the producer of the media
CoProducerName of a co-producer of the media
ExecutiveProducerName of an executive producer of the media
MusicByMain musical artist for the media
DistributedByCompany responsible for distribution of the content
OriginalSourceForm/DistributedByName of the person or organization who supplied the original subject
MasteredByThe engineer who mastered the content for a physical medium or for digital distribution
EncodedByName of the person/organisation that encoded/ripped the audio file
RemixedByName of the artist(s) that interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified the content
ProductionStudioMain production studio of the media
ThanksToA very general metadata tag for everyone else that wants to be listed
PublisherName of the organization publishing the media (i.e. the record label)
Publisher/URLPublisher's official webpage
LabelBrand or trademark associated with the marketing of music recordings and music videos
GenreMain genre of the media (e.g. classical, ambient-house, synthpop, sci-fi, drama, etc.)
PodcastCategoryPodcast category
MoodIntended to reflect the mood of the item with a few keywords (e.g. Romantic, Sad, Uplifting, etc.)
ContentTypeThe type or genre of the content (e.g. Documentary, Feature Film, Cartoon, Music Video, Music, Sound FX, etc.)
SubjectDescribes the topic of the file (e.g. "Aerial view of Seattle.")
DescriptionA short description of the contents (e.g. "Two birds flying.")
KeywordsKeywords for the content separated by a comma, used for searching
SummaryPlot outline or a summary of the story
SynopsisDescription of the story line of the item
PeriodDescribes the period that the piece is from or about (e.g. Renaissance)
LawRatingLegal rating of a movie. Format depends on country of origin (e.g. PG, 16)
LawRating_ReasonReason for the law rating
ICRAThe ICRA rating (previously RSACi)
Released_DateDate/year that the content was released
Original/Released_DateDate/year that the content was originally released
Recorded_DateTime/date/year that the recording began
Encoded_DateTime/date/year that the encoding of this content was completed
Tagged_DateTime/date/year that the tags were added to this content
Written_DateTime/date/year that the composition of the music/script began
Mastered_DateTime/date/year that the content was digitally mastered
File_Created_DateTime that the file was created on the file system
File_Created_Date_LocalLocal time that the file was created on the file system (not to be used in an international database)
File_Modified_DateTime that the file was last modified on the file system
File_Modified_Date_LocalLocal time that the file was last modified on the file system (not to be used in an international database)
Recorded_LocationLocation where track was recorded, as Longitude+Latitude
Written_LocationLocation that the item was originally designed/written
Archival_LocationLocation where an item is archived (e.g. Louvre, Paris, France)
Encoded_ApplicationName of the software package used to create the file (e.g. Microsoft WaveEdiTY)
Encoded_Application/StringName of the software package used to create the file, in the format "CompanyName ProductName (OperatingSystem) Version (Date)"
Encoded_Application_CompanyNameName of the company of the encoding application
Encoded_Application_NameName of the encoding product
Encoded_Application_VersionVersion of the encoding product
Encoded_Application_UrlURL associated with the encoding software
Encoded_LibrarySoftware used to create the file
Encoded_Library/StringSoftware used to create the file, in the format "CompanyName ProductName (OperatingSystem) Version (Date)"
Encoded_Library_CompanyNameName of the encoding software company
Encoded_Library_NameName of the encoding software
Encoded_Library_VersionVersion of the encoding software
Encoded_Library_DateRelease date of the encoding software, in UTC
Encoded_Library_SettingsParameters used by the encoding software
Encoded_OperatingSystemOperating System of the encoding software
CroppedDescribes whether an image has been cropped and, if so, how it was cropped
DimensionsSpecifies the size of the original subject of the file (e.g. 8.5 in h, 11 in w)
DotsPerInchStores dots per inch setting of the digitization mechanism used to produce the file
LightnessDescribes the changes in lightness settings on the digitization mechanism made during the production of the file
OriginalSourceMediumOriginal medium of the material (e.g. vinyl, Audio-CD, Super8 or BetaMax)
OriginalSourceFormOriginal form of the material (e.g. slide, paper, map)
OriginalSourceForm/NumColorsNumber of colors requested when digitizing (e.g. 256 for images or 32 bit RGB for video)
OriginalSourceForm/NameName of the product the file was originally intended for
OriginalSourceForm/CroppedDescribes whether the original image has been cropped and, if so, how it was cropped (e.g. 16:9 to 4:3, top and bottom)
OriginalSourceForm/SharpnessIdentifies changes in sharpness the digitization mechanism made during the production of the file
Tagged_ApplicationSoftware used to tag the file
BPMAverage number of beats per minute
ISRCInternational Standard Recording Code, excluding the ISRC prefix and including hyphens
ISBNInternational Standard Book Number
ISANInternational Standard Audiovisual Number
BarCodeEAN-13 (13-digit European Article Numbering) or UPC-A (12-digit Universal Product Code) bar code identifier
LCCNLibrary of Congress Control Number
UMIDUniversal Media Identifier
CatalogNumberA label-specific catalogue number used to identify the release (e.g. TIC 01)
LabelCodeLabel code (e.g. 12345, meaning LC-12345)
OwnerOwner of the file
CopyrightCopyright attribution
Copyright/UrlLink to a site with copyright/legal information
Producer_CopyrightCopyright information as per the production copyright holder
TermsOfUseLicense information (e.g. All Rights Reserved, Any Use Permitted)
ServiceNameName of assisted service
ServiceChannelChannel of assisted service
Service/UrlURL of of assisted service
ServiceProviderProvider of assisted service
ServiceProvider/UrlURL of provider of assisted service
ServiceTypeType of assisted service
NetworkNameTelevision network name
OriginalNetworkNameTelevision network name of original broadcast
CountryCountry information of the content
TimeZoneTime zone information of the content
CoverIs there a cover? Result will be "Yes" if present, empty if not
Cover_DescriptionShort description of cover image file (e.g. Earth in space)
Cover_TypeCover type (e.g. "Cover (front)")
Cover_MimeMIME type of cover file (e.g. image/png)
Cover_DataCover, in binary format, encoded as Base64
LyricsText of a song
CommentAny comment related to the content
RatingA numeric value defining how much a person likes the song/movie, 1 to 5 (e.g. 2, 5.0)
Added_DateDate/year the item was added to the owners collection
Played_First_DateDate the owner first played an item
Played_Last_DateDate the owner last played an item
Played_CountNumber of times an item was played
EPG_Positions_BeginBeginning position for Electronic Program Guide
EPG_Positions_EndEnding position for Electronic Program Guide
en/tcmediainfo/tables/general.txt · Последнее изменение: 2024/07/17 18:21 —

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