Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта



CountCount of objects available in this stream created by MediaInfo when analyzing file. This is mostly for internal use
StatusStatus of bit field when parsing. Options are: 0=IsAccepted, 1=IsFilled, 2=IsUpdated, 3=IsFinished. This is mostly for internal use
StreamCountTotal number of streams available for this StreamKind. Counting starts at 1
StreamKindName of stream type. Options are: Audio, General, Image, Menu, Other, Text, or Video
StreamKind/StringName of stream type. Options are: Audio, General, Image, Menu, Other, Text, or Video
StreamKindIDIdentification number for stream, assigned in order of parsing. Counting starts at 0
StreamKindPosIdentification number for stream when multiple, assigned in order of parsing. Counting starts at 1
StreamOrderStream order in the file for type of stream. Counting starts at 0
FirstPacketOrderOrder of the first fully decodable packet parsed in the file for stream type. Counting starts at 0
InformLast **Inform** call. This is mostly for internal use
IDThe identification number for this stream in this file
ID/StringThe identification number for this stream in this file (String format)
OriginalSourceMedium_IDIdentification for this stream in the original medium of the material
OriginalSourceMedium_ID/StringIdentification for this stream in the original medium of the material (String format)
UniqueIDThe unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
UniqueID/StringThe unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
MenuIDThe menu ID for this stream in this file
MenuID/StringThe menu ID for this stream in this file
FormatFormat used
Format/StringFormat used and any additional features or settings
Format/InfoMore details about the identified Format
Format/UrlLink to a description of this format
Format_CommercialCommercial name used by vendor for these settings or Format field if there is no difference
Format_Commercial_IfAnyCommercial name used by vendor for these settings, if available
Format_VersionVersion for the identified format
Format_ProfileProfile of the Format
Format_CompressionCompression method used
Format_SettingsSettings used and required by decoder
Format_AdditionalFeaturesFeatures from the format that are required to fully support the file content
CodecIDCodec identifier as indicated by the container
CodecID/StringCodec identifier, as indicated by the container
CodecID/InfoMore information about this codec identifier
CodecID/HintCommon alternative names for this codec identifier
CodecID/UrlA link to more details about this codec identifier
CodecID_DescriptionCodec description, as defined by the container
DurationPlay time of the stream, in s (ms for text output)
Duration/StringPlay time in format XXx YYy, with YYy value omitted if zero (e.g. 1 h 40 min)
Duration/String1Play time in format HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, with any fields omitted if zero
Duration/String2Play time in format XXx YYy, with YYy omitted if value is zero
Duration/String3Play time in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (e.g. 01:40:00.000)
Duration/String4Play time in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Duration/String5Play time in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Duration_StartStart time of stream, in UTC
Duration_EndEnd time of stream, in UTC
DelayDelay fixed in the stream (relative), in ms
Delay/StringDelay fixed in the stream (relative), with measurement
Delay/String1Delay fixed in the stream (relative), with measurement
Delay/String2Delay fixed in the stream (relative), with measurement
Delay/String3Delay fixed in the stream (relative) in format HH:MM:SS.mmm, with measurement
Delay/String4Delay in format HH:MM:SS:FF, with last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Delay/String5Delay in format HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Delay_SettingsDelay settings (in case of timecode for example)
Delay_DropFrameDelay drop frame
Delay_SourcePart of the file where the delay was set (e.g. Container, Stream, or empty)
FrameRate_ModeFrame rate mode, as acronym (e.g. CFR, VFR)
FrameRate_Mode/StringFrame rate mode, as word (e.g. Constant, Variable)
FrameRateFrames per second, as float (e.g. 29.970)
FrameRate/StringFrames per second, with measurement (e.g. 29.970 (29970/1000) FPS)
FrameRate_NumNumerator for determined frames per second (e.g. 29970)
FrameRate_DenDenominator for determined frames per second (e.g. 1000)
FrameCountNumer of frames
List_StreamKindList of programs available
List_StreamPosList of programs available
ListList of programs available
List/StringList of programs available
TitleName of this menu
LanguageLanguage, formatted as 2-letter ISO 639-1 if exists, else 3-letter ISO 639-2, and with optional ISO 3166-1 country separated by a dash if available (e.g. en, en-US, en-CN)
Language/StringLanguage, as full name (e.g. English)
Language/String1Language, as full name (e.g. English)
Language/String2Language, formatted as 2-letter ISO 639-1, if exists (e.g. en)
Language/String3Language, formatted as 3-letter ISO 639-2, if exists (e.g. eng)
Language/String4Language, formatted as 2-letter ISO 639-1, if exists, with optional ISO 3166-1 country separated by a dash if available (e.g. en-US)
Language_MoreMore information about Language (e.g. Director's Comment)
ServiceKindType of assisted service (e.g. visually impaired, commentary, voice over)
ServiceKind/StringType of assisted service (e.g. visually impaired, commentary, voice over)
ServiceNameName of assisted service
ServiceChannelChannel of assisted service
Service/UrlURL of assisted service
ServiceProviderProvider of assisted service
ServiceProvider/UrlURL of provider of assisted service
ServiceTypeType of assisted service
NetworkNameTelevision network name
Original/NetworkNameTelevision network name of original broadcast
CountriesCountry information of the content
TimeZonesTimeZone information of the content
LawRatingLegal rating of a movie. Format depends on country of origin (e.g. PG, 16)
LawRating_ReasonReason of the law rating
DisabledSet if this stream should not be used (Yes, No)
Disabled/StringSet if this stream should not be used (Yes, No)
DefaultFlag set if this stream should be used if no language found matches the user preference (Yes, No)
Default/StringFlag set if this stream should be used if no language found matches the user preference (Yes, No)
ForcedFlag set if this stream should be used regardless of user preferences, often used for sparse subtitle dialogue in an otherwise unsubtitled movie (Yes, No)
Forced/StringFlag set if this stream should be used regardless of user preferences, often used for sparse subtitle dialogue in an otherwise unsubtitled movie (Yes, No)
AlternateGroupNumber of a group in order to provide versions of the same track
AlternateGroup/StringNumber of a group in order to provide versions of the same track
Chapters_Pos_BeginUsed by third-party developers to know about the beginning of the chapters list, to be used by Get (Stream_Menu, x, Pos), where Pos is an Integer between Chapters_Pos_Begin and Chapters_Pos_End
Chapters_Pos_EndUsed by third-party developers to know about the end of the chapters list (this position excluded)
en/tcmediainfo/tables/menu.txt · Последнее изменение: 2024/07/17 18:21 —

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