Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта



CountCount of objects available in this stream created by MediaInfo when analyzing file. This is mostly for internal use
StatusStatus of bit field when parsing. Options are: 0=IsAccepted, 1=IsFilled, 2=IsUpdated, 3=IsFinished. This is mostly for internal use
StreamCountTotal number of streams available for this StreamKind. Counting starts at 1
StreamKindName of stream type. Options are: Audio, General, Image, Menu, Other, Text, or Video
StreamKind/StringName of stream type. Options are: Audio, General, Image, Menu, Other, Text, or Video
StreamKindIDIdentification number for stream, assigned in order of parsing. Counting starts at 0
StreamKindPosIdentification number for stream when multiple, assigned in order of parsing. Counting starts at 1
StreamOrderStream order in the file for type of stream. Counting starts at 0
FirstPacketOrderOrder of the first fully decodable packet parsed in the file for stream type. Counting starts at 0
InformLast **Inform** call. This is mostly for internal use
IDThe identification number for this stream in this file
ID/StringThe identification number for this stream in this file (String format)
OriginalSourceMedium_IDIdentification for this stream in the original medium of the material
OriginalSourceMedium_ID/StringIdentification for this stream in the original medium of the material (String format)
UniqueIDThe unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
UniqueID/StringThe unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
MenuIDThe menu ID for this stream in this file
MenuID/StringThe menu ID for this stream in this file
TitleTitle of track
FormatFormat used
Format/StringFormat used and any additional features or settings
Format/InfoMore details about the identified Format
Format/UrlLink to a description of this format
Format_CommercialCommercial name used by vendor for these settings or Format field if there is no difference
Format_Commercial_IfAnyCommercial name used by vendor for these settings, if available
Format_VersionVersion for the identified format
Format_ProfileProfile of the Format
Format_CompressionCompression method used
Format_AdditionalFeaturesFormat features needed for fully supporting the content
HDR_FormatHigh Dynamic Range Format used
HDR_Format/StringHDR Format used, along with version, profile, level, layers, settings, and compatibility information
HDR_Format_CommercialCommercial name used by vendor for these HDR settings or HDR Format field if there is no difference
HDR_Format_VersionVersion of HDR Format
HDR_Format_ProfileProfile of HDR Format
HDR_Format_LevelLevel of HDR Format
HDR_Format_SettingsHDR Format settings
HDR_Format_CompatibilityHDR Format compatibility with commercial products (e.g. HDR10)
Format_SettingsSettings used and required by decoder
Format_Settings_EndiannessOrder of bytes required for decoding. Options are Big/Little
Format_Settings_PackingData packing method used in DPX frames (e.g. Packed, Filled A, Filled B)
Format_Settings_WrappingWrapping mode set for format (e.g. Frame, Clip)
InternetMediaTypeInternet Media Type (aka MIME Type, Content-Type)
CodecIDCodec identifier as indicated by the container
CodecID/StringCodec identifier, as indicated by the container
CodecID/InfoMore information about this codec identifier
CodecID/HintCommon alternative names for this codec identifier
CodecID/UrlA link to more details about this codec identifier
CodecID_DescriptionCodec description, as defined by the container
CodecDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/StringDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/FamilyDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/InfoDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Codec/UrlDeprecated, do not use in new projects
WidthWidth of frame (trimmed to "clean aperture" size if present) in pixels, as integer (e.g. 1920)
Width/StringWidth of frame (trimmed to "clean aperture" size if present) in pixels, presented in SI unit digit spacing style, with measurement (e.g. 1 920 pixels)
Width_OffsetOffset between original width and displayed width, in pixels
Width_Offset/StringOffset between original width and displayed width, in pixels
Width_OriginalWidth of frame (not including aperture size if present) in pixels, presented as integer (e.g. 1920)
Width_Original/StringWidth of frame (not including aperture size if present) in pixels, present in SI unit digit spacing style, with measurement (e.g. 1 920 pixels)
HeightHeight of frame (including aperture size if present) in pixels, presented as integer (e.g. 1080)
Height/StringHeight of frame (including aperture size if present) in pixels, present in SI unit digit spacing style, with measurement (e.g. 1 080 pixels)
Height_OffsetOffset between original height and displayed height, in pixels
Height_Offset/StringOffset between original height and displayed height, in pixels
Height_OriginalHeight of frame (not including aperture size if present) in pixels, presented as integer (e.g. 1080)
Height_Original/StringHeight of frame (not including aperture size if present) in pixels, present in SI unit digit spacing style, with measurement (e.g. 1 080 pixels)
PixelAspectRatioPixel Aspect ratio
PixelAspectRatio/StringPixel Aspect ratio
PixelAspectRatio_OriginalOriginal (in the raw stream) Pixel Aspect ratio
PixelAspectRatio_Original/StringOriginal (in the raw stream) Pixel Aspect ratio
DisplayAspectRatioThe proportional relationship between the width and height of a frame (e.g. 4:3)
DisplayAspectRatio/StringThe proportional relationship between the width and height of a frame (e.g. 4:3)
DisplayAspectRatio_OriginalThe proportional relationship between the width and height of a frame (e.g. 4:3)
DisplayAspectRatio_Original/StringThe proportional relationship between the width and height of a frame (e.g. 4:3)
Active_WidthWidth of frame, not considering black bars
Active_Width/StringWidth of frame, not considering black bars, in pixels, presented in SI unit digit spacing style, with measurement (e.g. 1 920 pixels)
Active_HeightHeight of frame, not considering black bars
Active_Height/StringHeight of frame, not considering black bars, in pixels, presented in SI unit digit spacing style, with measurement (e.g. 1 080 pixels)
Active_DisplayAspectRatioThe proportional relationship between the active width and active height of a frame (e.g. 4:3)
Active_DisplayAspectRatio/StringThe proportional relationship between the active width and active height of a frame (e.g. 4:3)
ColorSpaceColor profile of the image (e.g. YUV)
ChromaSubsamplingRatio of chroma to luma in encoded image (e.g. 4:2:2)
ResolutionDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Resolution/StringDeprecated, do not use in new projects
BitDepthColor information stored in the frame, as integer (e.g. 10)
BitDepth/StringColor information stored in the frame, as string (e.g. 10 bits)
Compression_ModeCompression mode (Lossy, Lossless)
Compression_Mode/StringCompression mode (Lossy, Lossless)
Compression_RatioStream size divided by uncompressed stream size
StreamSizeSize of this stream, in bytes
StreamSize/StringSize of this stream, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
StreamSize/String1Size of this stream, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the nearest integer (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize/String2Size of this stream, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the two most significant digits (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize/String3Size of this stream, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the three most significant digits (e.g. 10.5 MiB)
StreamSize/String4Size of this stream, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the four most significant digits (e.g. 10.50 MiB)
StreamSize/String5Size of this stream, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
StreamSize_ProportionSize of this stream divided by total file size
StreamSize_DemuxedSize of this stream after demuxing, in bytes
StreamSize_Demuxed/StringSize of this stream after demuxing, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
StreamSize_Demuxed/String1Size of this stream after demuxing, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the nearest integer (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String2Size of this stream after demuxing, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the two most significant digits (e.g. 11 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String3Size of this stream after demuxing, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the three most significant digits (e.g. 10.5 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String4Size of this stream after demuxing, measurement (measured in powers of 1024) rounded to the four most significant digits (e.g. 10.50 MiB)
StreamSize_Demuxed/String5Size of this stream after demuxing, with measurement (measured in powers of 1024) and percentage value (e.g. 10.5 MiB (98%))
Encoded_LibrarySoftware used to create the file
Encoded_Library/StringSoftware used to create the file, in the format "CompanyName ProductName (OperatingSystem) Version (Date)"
Encoded_Library_NameName of the encoding software
Encoded_Library_VersionVersion of the encoding software
Encoded_Library_DateRelease date of the encoding software, in UTC
Encoded_Library_SettingsParameters used by the encoding software
LanguageLanguage, formatted as 2-letter ISO 639-1 if exists, else 3-letter ISO 639-2, and with optional ISO 3166-1 country separated by a dash if available (e.g. en, en-US, en-CN)
Language/StringLanguage, as full name (e.g. English)
Language/String1Language, as full name (e.g. English)
Language/String2Language, formatted as 2-letter ISO 639-1, if exists (e.g. en)
Language/String3Language, formatted as 3-letter ISO 639-2, if exists (e.g. eng)
Language/String4Language, formatted as 2-letter ISO 639-1, if exists, with optional ISO 3166-1 country separated by a dash if available (e.g. en-US)
Language_MoreMore information about Language (e.g. Director's Comment)
ServiceKindType of assisted service (e.g. visually impaired, commentary, voice over)
ServiceKind/StringType of assisted service (e.g. visually impaired, commentary, voice over)
DisabledSet if this stream should not be used (Yes, No)
Disabled/StringSet if this stream should not be used (Yes, No)
DefaultFlag set if this stream should be used if no language found matches the user preference (Yes, No)
Default/StringFlag set if this stream should be used if no language found matches the user preference (Yes, No)
ForcedFlag set if this stream should be used regardless of user preferences, often used for sparse subtitle dialogue in an otherwise unsubtitled movie (Yes, No)
Forced/StringFlag set if this stream should be used regardless of user preferences, often used for sparse subtitle dialogue in an otherwise unsubtitled movie (Yes, No)
AlternateGroupNumber of a group in order to provide versions of the same track
AlternateGroup/StringNumber of a group in order to provide versions of the same track
SummaryPlot outline or a summary of the story
Encoded_DateTime that the encoding of this item was completed, in UTC
Tagged_DateTime that the tags were added to this item, in UTC
EncryptionWhether this stream is encrypted and, if available, how it is encrypted
colour_description_presentPresence of color description (Yes, No)
colour_description_present_SourcePresence of colour description (source)
colour_description_present_OriginalPresence of colour description (if incoherencies)
colour_description_present_Original_SourcePresence of colour description (source if incoherencies)
colour_rangeColor range for YUV color space
colour_range_SourceColour range for YUV colour space (source)
colour_range_OriginalColour range for YUV colour space (if incoherencies)
colour_range_Original_SourceColour range for YUV colour space (source if incoherencies)
colour_primariesChromaticity coordinates of the source primaries
colour_primaries_SourceChromaticity coordinates of the source primaries (source)
colour_primaries_OriginalChromaticity coordinates of the source primaries (if incoherencies)
colour_primaries_Original_SourceChromaticity coordinates of the source primaries (source if incoherencies)
transfer_characteristicsOpto-electronic transfer characteristic of the source picture
transfer_characteristics_SourceOpto-electronic transfer characteristic of the source picture (source)
transfer_characteristics_OriginalOpto-electronic transfer characteristic of the source picture (if incoherencies)
transfer_characteristics_Original_SourceOpto-electronic transfer characteristic of the source picture (source if incoherencies)
matrix_coefficientsMatrix coefficients used in deriving luma and chroma signals from the green, blue, and red primaries
matrix_coefficients_SourceMatrix coefficients used in deriving luma and chroma signals from the green, blue, and red primaries (source)
matrix_coefficients_OriginalMatrix coefficients used in deriving luma and chroma signals from the green, blue, and red primaries (if incoherencies)
matrix_coefficients_Original_SourceMatrix coefficients used in deriving luma and chroma signals from the green, blue, and red primaries (source if incoherencies)
MasteringDisplay_ColorPrimariesChromaticity coordinates of the source primaries of the mastering display
MasteringDisplay_ColorPrimaries_SourceChromaticity coordinates of the source primaries of the mastering display (source)
MasteringDisplay_ColorPrimaries_OriginalChromaticity coordinates of the source primaries of the mastering display (if incoherencies)
MasteringDisplay_ColorPrimaries_Original_SourceChromaticity coordinates of the source primaries of the mastering display (source if incoherencies)
MasteringDisplay_LuminanceLuminance of the mastering display
MasteringDisplay_Luminance_SourceLuminance of the mastering display (source)
MasteringDisplay_Luminance_OriginalLuminance of the mastering display (if incoherencies)
MasteringDisplay_Luminance_Original_SourceLuminance of the mastering display (source if incoherencies)
MaxCLLMaximum content light level
MaxCLL_SourceMaximum content light level (source)
MaxCLL_OriginalMaximum content light level (if incoherencies)
MaxCLL_Original_SourceMaximum content light level (source if incoherencies)
MaxFALLMaximum frame average light level
MaxFALL_SourceMaximum frame average light level (source)
MaxFALL_OriginalMaximum frame average light level (if incoherencies)
MaxFALL_Original_SourceMaximum frame average light level (source if incoherencies)
ru/tcmediainfo/tables/image.txt · Последнее изменение: 2024/07/17 18:20 —

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