Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта



CountCount of objects available in this stream
Statusbit field (0=IsAccepted, 1=IsFilled, 2=IsUpdated, 3=IsFinished)
StreamCountCount of streams of that kind available
StreamKindStream type name
StreamKind/StringStream type name
StreamKindIDNumber of the stream (base=0)
StreamKindPosWhen multiple streams, number of the stream (base=1)
StreamOrderStream order in the file, whatever is the kind of stream (base=0)
FirstPacketOrderOrder of the first fully decodable packet met in the file, whatever is the kind of stream (base=0)
InformLast **Inform** call
IDThe ID for this stream in this file
ID/StringThe ID for this stream in this file
OriginalSourceMedium_IDThe ID for this stream in the original medium of the material
OriginalSourceMedium_ID/StringThe ID for this stream in the original medium of the material
UniqueIDThe unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
UniqueID/StringThe unique ID for this stream, should be copied with stream copy
MenuIDThe menu ID for this stream in this file
MenuID/StringThe menu ID for this stream in this file
FormatFormat used
Format/StringFormat used + additional features
Format/InfoInfo about Format
Format_CommercialCommercial name used by vendor for theses setings or Format field if there is no difference
Format_Commercial_IfAnyCommercial name used by vendor for theses setings if there is one
Format_VersionVersion of this format
Format_ProfileProfile of the Format
Format_CompressionCompression method used
Format_SettingsSettings needed for decoder used
Format_AdditionalFeaturesFormat features needed for fully supporting the content
MuxingModeHow this file is muxed in the container
CodecIDCodec ID (found in some containers)
CodecID/StringCodec ID (found in some containers)
CodecID/InfoInfo about this codec
CodecID/HintA hint/popular name for this codec
CodecID/UrlA link to more details about this codec ID
CodecID_DescriptionManual description given by the container
DurationPlay time of the stream in ms
Duration/StringPlay time in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omited if zero
Duration/String1Play time in format : HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, XX omited if zero
Duration/String2Play time in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omited if zero
Duration/String3Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.MMM
Duration/String4Play time in format : HH:MM:SS:FF, last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Duration/String5Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Source_DurationSource Play time of the stream, in ms
Source_Duration/StringSource Play time in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omited if zero
Source_Duration/String1Source Play time in format : HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, XX omited if zero
Source_Duration/String2Source Play time in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omited if zero
Source_Duration/String3Source Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.MMM
Source_Duration/String4Play time in format : HH:MM:SS:FF, last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Source_Duration/String5Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Source_Duration_FirstFrameSource Duration of the first frame if it is longer than others, in ms
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/StringSource Duration of the first frame if it is longer than others, in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omited if zero
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/String1Source Duration of the first frame if it is longer than others, in format : HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, XX omited if zero
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/String2Source Duration of the first frame if it is longer than others, in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omited if zero
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/String3Source Duration of the first frame if it is longer than others, in format : HH:MM:SS.MMM
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/String4Play time in format : HH:MM:SS:FF, last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Source_Duration_FirstFrame/String5Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Source_Duration_LastFrameSource Duration of the last frame if it is longer than others, in ms
Source_Duration_LastFrame/StringSource Duration of the last frame if it is longer than others, in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omited if zero
Source_Duration_LastFrame/String1Source Duration of the last frame if it is longer than others, in format : HHh MMmn SSs MMMms, XX omited if zero
Source_Duration_LastFrame/String2Source Duration of the last frame if it is longer than others, in format : XXx YYy only, YYy omited if zero
Source_Duration_LastFrame/String3Source Duration of the last frame if it is longer than others, in format : HH:MM:SS.MMM
Source_Duration_LastFrame/String4Play time in format : HH:MM:SS:FF, last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Source_Duration_LastFrame/String5Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
BitRate_ModeBit rate mode (VBR, CBR)
BitRate_Mode/StringBit rate mode (Variable, Cconstant)
BitRateBit rate in bps
BitRate/StringBit rate (with measurement)
BitRate_MinimumMinimum Bit rate in bps
BitRate_Minimum/StringMinimum Bit rate (with measurement)
BitRate_NominalNominal Bit rate in bps
BitRate_Nominal/StringNominal Bit rate (with measurement)
BitRate_MaximumMaximum Bit rate in bps
BitRate_Maximum/StringMaximum Bit rate (with measurement)
BitRate_EncodedEncoded (with forced padding) bit rate in bps, if some container padding is present
BitRate_Encoded/StringEncoded (with forced padding) bit rate (with measurement), if some container padding is present
FrameRateFrames per second
FrameRate/StringFrames per second (with measurement)
FrameRate_NumFrames per second, numerator
FrameRate_DenFrames per second, denominator
FrameCountNumber of frames
Source_FrameCountSource Number of frames
DelayDelay fixed in the stream (relative) IN MS
Delay/StringDelay with measurement
Delay/String1Delay with measurement
Delay/String2Delay with measurement
Delay/String3Delay in format : HH:MM:SS.MMM
Delay/String4Delay in format : HH:MM:SS:FF, last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Delay/String5Delay in format : HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Delay_SettingsDelay settings (in case of timecode for example)
Delay_DropFrameDelay drop frame
Delay_SourceDelay source (Container or Stream or empty)
Delay_Source/StringDelay source (Container or Stream or empty)
Delay_OriginalDelay fixed in the raw stream (relative) IN MS
Delay_Original/StringDelay with measurement
Delay_Original/String1Delay with measurement
Delay_Original/String2Delay with measurement
Delay_Original/String3Delay in format: HH:MM:SS.MMM
Delay_Original/String4Delay in format: HH:MM:SS:FF, last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
Delay_Original/String5Delay in format : HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
Delay_Original_SettingsDelay settings (in case of timecode for example)
Delay_Original_DropFrameDelay drop frame info
Delay_Original_SourceDelay source (Stream or empty)
Video_DelayDelay fixed in the stream (absolute / video)
Video0_DelayDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/StringDeprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/String1Deprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/String2Deprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/String3Deprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/String4Deprecated, do not use in new projects
Video0_Delay/String5Deprecated, do not use in new projects
TimeStamp_FirstFrameTimeStamp fixed in the stream (relative) IN MS
TimeStamp_FirstFrame/StringTimeStamp with measurement
TimeStamp_FirstFrame/String1TimeStamp with measurement
TimeStamp_FirstFrame/String2TimeStamp with measurement
TimeStamp_FirstFrame/String3TimeStamp in format : HH:MM:SS.MMM
TimeStamp_FirstFrame/String4TimeStamp in format : HH:MM:SS:FF, last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available
TimeStamp_FirstFrame/String5TimeStamp in format : HH:MM:SS.mmm (HH:MM:SS:FF)
TimeCode_FirstFrameTime code in HH:MM:SS:FF, last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available format
TimeCode_LastFrameTime code of the last frame (excluding the duration of the last frame) in HH:MM:SS:FF, last colon replaced by semicolon for drop frame if available format
TimeCode_DropFrameDelay drop frame
TimeCode_SettingsTime code settings
TimeCode_StrippedTime code is Stripped (only 1st time code, no discontinuity)
TimeCode_Stripped/StringTime code is Stripped (only 1st time code, no discontinuity)
TimeCode_SourceTime code source (Container, Stream, SystemScheme1, SDTI, ANC...)
StreamSizeStreamsize in bytes
StreamSize/StringStreamsize in with percentage value
StreamSize/String5Streamsize in with percentage value
StreamSize_ProportionStream size divided by file size
StreamSize_DemuxedStreamSize in bytes of hte stream after demux
StreamSize_Demuxed/StringStreamSize_Demuxed in with percentage value
StreamSize_Demuxed/String5StreamSize_Demuxed in with percentage value (note: theoritical value, not for real use)
Source_StreamSizeSource Streamsize in bytes
Source_StreamSize/StringSource Streamsize in with percentage value
Source_StreamSize/String5Source Streamsize in with percentage value
Source_StreamSize_ProportionSource Stream size divided by file size
StreamSize_EncodedEncoded Streamsize in bytes
StreamSize_Encoded/StringEncoded Streamsize in with percentage value
StreamSize_Encoded/String5Encoded Streamsize in with percentage value
StreamSize_Encoded_ProportionEncoded Stream size divided by file size
Source_StreamSize_EncodedSource Encoded Streamsize in bytes
Source_StreamSize_Encoded/StringSource Encoded Streamsize in with percentage value
Source_StreamSize_Encoded/String5Source Encoded Streamsize in with percentage value
Source_StreamSize_Encoded_ProportionSource Encoded Stream size divided by file size
TitleName of this menu
LanguageLanguage (2-letter ISO 639-1 if exists, else 3-letter ISO 639-2, and with optional ISO 3166-1 country separated by a dash if available, e.g. en, en-us, zh-cn)
Language/StringLanguage (full)
Language/String1Language (full)
Language/String2Language (2-letter ISO 639-1 if exists, else empty)
Language/String3Language (3-letter ISO 639-2 if exists, else empty)
Language/String4Language (2-letter ISO 639-1 if exists with optional ISO 3166-1 country separated by a dash if available, e.g. en, en-us, zh-cn, else empty)
Language_MoreMore info about Language (e.g. Director's Comment)
ServiceKindService kind, e.g. visually impaired, commentary, voice over
ServiceKind/StringService kind (full)
DisabledSet if that track should not be used
Disabled/StringSet if that track should not be used
DefaultSet if that track should be used if no language found matches the user preference.
Default/StringSet if that track should be used if no language found matches the user preference.
ForcedSet if that track should be used if no language found matches the user preference.
Forced/StringSet if that track should be used if no language found matches the user preference.
AlternateGroupNumber of a group in order to provide versions of the same track
AlternateGroup/StringNumber of a group in order to provide versions of the same track
ru/tcmediainfo/tables/other.txt · Последнее изменение: 2024/07/17 18:20 —

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