Management and maintenance
For various operations on the database, a special file TCMediaInfo.exe is provided. It has both a GUI and a command line interface.
The graphical interface opens when you run TCMediaInfo.exe without command line switches. When run with command line parameters, the interface does not open, but messages may be displayed if there are critical errors in the parameters.
Over time, the disk cache may contain records that are no longer associated with files (the file has been deleted, moved, etc.), but they continue to take up space and slow down the search for records. Also, when sources are deleted in the configuration, they remain in the database. Several maintenance modes are provided for database optimization.
To display the graphical interface, run TCMediaInfo.exe without parameters:
Please note that if the use of the database is not enabled in the settings, or the «memory only» database is enabled, the elements on this tab will be inactive.
The «Records» group shows the total number of records in the database. The number of entries with missing files will only be shown after clicking the «Check Files» button, since this can be a very lengthy process if there are a large number of files.
After the scan is complete (or after stopping, when the scan is canceled), if at least one missing file was found, the «Remove records with missed files» checkbox will become active and you can delete them.
The «Sources» group shows the total number of sources in the database and the number of unused sources that are in the database but are not in the configuration file. If there are more than 0, the «Remove unused sources» checkbox will become active.
After selecting one or more maintenance operations, the «Perform» button will become active.
Command line switches
Maintenance modes and other functions can be performed using command line options. The functions performed using some parameters (/RF, /RL) have no analogues in the graphical interface.
Switch | Parameter | Description |
/RF | «FilePath1» «FilePath2» … «FilePathN» | Remove one or more transferred files from the database. To transfer multiple files from TC, you can use the %P%S macro. Please note that the maximum command line length is 32767 characters. |
/RL | «ListFile» | Delete files passed by list from the database. To generate a list in the TC, you can use the %WL macro. |
/MR | Deletes records from the database for which the source file is no longer available. Please note that if the file is temporarily unavailable (for example, located on an inaccessible network resource), then such entries will also be deleted. | |
/MS | Removes unnecessary sources from the database. Please note that this operation may only be necessary after changes to the sources in the configuration. Depending on the number of records and the speed of the drives, this operation may take a long time. | |
/MV | Performs database compression (Vacuum command). | |
/RS | Executes the command cm_RereadSource (refresh panel contents). | |
/СS | Executes the command cm_ClearAll (clear all selection). |
Please note that the command line options take into account the plugin settings, i.e. if the database is disabled in the settings, or enabled in memory-only mode, no action will be taken.
; Searches for missing files, deletes them and then compresses the database TCMediaInfo.exe /MR /MV ; Delete files listed in the list file TCMediaInfo.exe /RL "Path_To_List_File"
Similar actions can be done using rundll32, but this method does not support Unicode file names and is left only for compatibility:
rundll32 TCMediaInfo.wdx,OpenConfigDialog /MV