LoadFont [/N] <font>
Command that loading selecting font. By default this font will be available in Total Commander process only and will be unloaded when TC is closed.
font | Name of font. May contain variables and environment variables. |
/N | Allow other applications to use this font. Note, that font become unavailable when TC is closed. |
Supported fonts:
.fnt | Raw bitmap font file. |
.ttf | Raw TrueType file. |
.ttc | East Asian Windows: TrueType font collection. |
.fot | TrueType resource file. |
.otf | PostScript OpenType font.« |
.mmm | Multiple master Type1 font resource file. It must be used with .pfm and .pfb files. |
.pfb | Type 1 font bits file. It is used with a .pfm file. |
.pfm | Type 1 font metrics file. It is used with a .pfb file. |
For adding fonts separated to parts, they should be separated by «|». For example, abcxxxxx.pfm|abcxxxxx.pfb.
en/documentation/loadfont.txt · Последнее изменение: 2019/03/14 11:47 — loopback