The command adds a control to the current dialog. Before calling this command, it is necessary to add a dialog with command AddDialog.
AddControl [/X:<value>] [/Y:<value>] [/W:<value>] [/H:<value>] <class> <instance> [<text>]
Control parameters
<class> | Control class (TButton e.t.c.). |
<instance> | The instance number for a given class, from 1 and up. May vary between versions of Total Commander. |
Modify parameters
The parameters /X, /Y, /W, /H set the offset relative to the original coordinates of the window or change its size. If the parameter is omitted, it is considered that its value = 0 (i.e., the window does not move along this coordinate or does not change the corresponding size).
Values are set at a standard density of 96 dpi. At higher density values, the control will be scaled automatically, or, respectively to the /NOSCALE parameter in the AddDialog command.
/X:<value> | The offset of the control in X relative to its original position. A positive value shifts the dialog to the right, a negative one to the left. |
/Y:<value> | The offset control on Y relative to the original position. A positive value shifts the dialogue down, a negative one — up. |
/W:<value> | Change the width of the control relative to the original. A positive value increases the width, a negative value decreases. |
/H:<value> | Change the height of the control relative to the original. A positive value increases the height, a negative value decreases. |
<text> | New text of the control. |
en/documentation/movebutton_addcontrol.txt · Последнее изменение: 2019/06/20 16:38 —