LoadLibrary [/U] <dll> [<function>]
Command that loading a dynamic library or pligin.
dll | Dynamic library name. May contain variables and environment variables. Also, paths can be relative to the path where configuration file placed. |
function | Function that will be executed immediately after loading the library. Function should not have parameters and return a result. |
/U | dll will be unloaded immediately after loading and executing function (if set). |
Note, that under 64-bit version you can load 64-bit libraries and plugins only, under 32-bit varsion — correspondingly 32-bit libraries.
For simplicity plugin using and using single config file in different TC versions, for 64-bit verions implicit loading used (similarly to TC plugins). For that 64-bit version of plugin should have «dll64» extension. In configuration «dll» extension using.
Example (on MoveButton): record in configuration «LoadLibrary Plugins\Autorun_MoveButton.dll». Under 32-bit version will be loaded Autorun_MoveButton.dll, under 64-bit version — Autorun_MoveButton.dll64.
en/documentation/loadlibrary.txt · Последнее изменение: 2019/06/20 16:38 —