ShellExec [/EV-] [/SW_HIDE|/SW_SHOWNORMAL|/SW_MINIMIZE|/SW_MAXIMIZE] [/T] [/W[:####]] [/WAIT[:####]] <file> [<params> [<workdir>]]
Executes the file. It can be executable, or arbitrary — in this case it will be opened in associated application.
If no params are set, but you need to set working directory, use empty string (two consecutive quotes).
file | Name of the file. May contain variables and environment variables. |
params | Parameters string. May contain variables and environment variables. |
workdir | Name of the working directory. May contain variables and environment variables. |
/EV- | Disables the use of variables and environment variables in the text. |
/SW_HIDE | Executing as hidden. |
/SW_SHOWNORMAL | Executing normally. Using when no explicit SW_* parameter set. |
/SW_MINIMIZE | Executing minimized. |
/SW_MAXIMIZE | Executing maximized. |
/T | Terminate program when plugin unloading (also look AutorunBlockUnload directive.) |
/TT | Terminate whole program tree when plugin unloading. |
/W[:####] | Trying to close process window before program terminating. Default closing timeout 1000 ms. Parameter can have optional value that sets timeout, ex: /W:5000. This parameter can be used only with /T or /TT paramaters. |
/WAIT[:####] | Waiting for process finish. By default waiting is infinite. After parameter can be optional value that sets timeout, ex: /WAIT:5000. When using this parameter /T or /TT paramaters are ignored. |
en/documentation/shellexec.txt · Последнее изменение: 2019/07/17 13:19 — loopback